Genomics Glossary for Bioinformatics


a sequence of instructions/actions to solve some problem


the variety and variability of living things in the world or in a particular habitat or ecosystem


the application of life sciences, physical sciences, mathematics and engineering principles and techniques to problems in medicine and biology


scientists with multidisciplinary training in computer science and biology who are equipped to answer important biological questions based on analyzing and interpreting huge biological-based datasets


a field in biology where scientists collect, analyze, and interpret biological data to further human understanding of biological systems


a unit of memory size


an organized collection of information that can be accessed, managed, and updated


a unit of DNA that controls specific traits


all the DNA in an organism


the study of a large number of genes and their interactions and/or of entire genomes (all of the DNA in an organism) to learn what kind of information is coded in these DNA sequences and how the DNA instructions are carried out

omics datasets

informally refers to the data of some field of study in biology ending in -omics, such as genomics, proteomics or metabolomics; “omics” implies a large or genome-wide scale


creating a sequence of instructions/actions from a fixed set of allowed instructions/actions to solve a problem

programming language

a formal syntax to communicate instructions to a machine


a section of DNA where RNA polymerase can bind to initate transcription

reference genome

The entire genome sequence of the organism from which we collected our RNA samples

sequence motif

a particular string of nucleotides whose pattern is repeated at least once in a long string that is related to the function of a gene


a sequence of one or more letters


the process in which information in a strand of DNA is decoded into a messenger RNA molecule